Online Resource School for Parents, Teachers and Students from your Iowa AEA
These resources are provided only to assist you. Other than the online databases and the SPLS, AEAs are not endorsing any specific products or sites.
5th Grade Parent Resources
AEA Online Databases:
Virtual Parks
Zoo Virtual :
Virtual Farms
YellowStone National Park Virtual Tour
Discovery Ed Virtual Tours:
Boston Children's Museum Virtual Tour
PBS Learning Media Upper Elem Science
AEA Online Databases: ​
PBS Learning Media Upper Elem ELA
Open Up Resources Language Arts
Smithsonian Tween Tribune
PBS Learning Media Engish Language Arts 5th
Time for Kids (free until end of school year)
Mindplay -free home access until May 31. Parents can access at the parent portal & enter code weteachreading to extend the 1 week free trial to May 31. The site will ask for a credit card, but you can cancel before May 31, if you want.
Student Personalizes Learning System:
Career: Architects: Who Builds Big
Career: Stonemason
Careers: A to Z Career Lab
Social Studies
Great Wall of China Virtual Tour
VR Field Trips Around the World
AEA Online Database:
PBS Learning Media Upper Elem SS
login requirements for some temporarily suspended* otherwise contact your district for login