Day 2:
Focusing on the Upper-levels of Bloom's Taxonomy & Inquiry-Based Learning
How do we provide the best opportunities for upper level thinking in the classroom?
Welcome Back
Today's Learning Goals:
I can define success for adults
I understand more about the modern learner
I have experienced an blended learning opportunity.
I can apply higher levels of blooms in my f2f and blended classroom.
I am able to create essential questions
As you review the learning opportunities from Day 1, what questions do you have?
How Do We Define Success?
Connecting to the Universal Constructs
Universal Constructs self-paced learning opportunites from AEA Learning Online Training System for teachers (license renewal credit option)
The Modern Learner
What do modern learners look like today? What skills, wants and needs to they have? What characteristics do they have to succeed with personalized learning? In groups of 3-5, design a visual piece that represents a response to these questions.
Gallery Walk
In your groups, visit each other's designs and offer comments regarding...
What did they include that you hadn't thought of?
Was their analogy /design accurate in your opinion?
What questions does their design prompt?
What parts need more clarification?
Socratic Circle
5 Minute Write
Write about one or more of the questions below.
Questions to start:
What role does understanding success beyond school play in planning learning experiences?
How does environment impact internal needs? What role does balance play?
Balancing screen time
Balance risk and reliance?
How do we emphasize down-time? Time to process?
Logic and creativity? Interrelated / connections to learning outcomes?
What defines graded vs. ungraded?
How do we get students to process what is important?
Fishbowl Activity
Socrative Circle Resources
Those outside the circle: Backchannel use pin #28854240
Fishbowl Resources:
How to apply to a blended or online course: ***
Fishbowl not for you? Try Spiderweb Conversations
Analyze and Reflect
Resources to Build:
Adobe Spark - create stories EXAMPLE
Piktochart- Info Graph Maker EXAMPLE
AdobeVoice (iPad only)- Show your story
Others? Explore this Symbaloo
Lunch Time 11:30- 12:30
Questioning and Connecting (Done Blended)
Work in your assigned virtual groups ***
Crafting the Right Question
Activity: Use this document
Which question would you use to get to higher ordered thinking?
Which one would you NOT use?
What could strengthen the one you would not use?
Group work: Write Essential Questions
Collaborate in groups to move individual participant's questions up on Bloom's
Discuss questions options
Authentic Audience
Once you or your students create work, what do they do with it?
Is it shared only with the teacher for a grade?
The rest of the class?
The school community?
Community outside of the school?
How does authentic audience support the Universal Constructs and the upper levels of Bloom's
Disposable Assignments Reading: what could this look like?
What are the pros and cons to sharing to these entities? Pros and Cons discussion T-Chart from Read Write Think (Topic 1 is Pro; Topic 2 is Con)
Tools to Try (on your own):
LMS Wikis, Forum Discussions, etc.. Others below can be embedded in your LMS
FlipSnack- turn what you have into a flipbook
These can be embedded into a blended or online course. Some LMS's have this bulit in.
Bringing It All Together
Revisit the learning map and apply the upper level of blooms.
Brainstorm what types of learning objects would support this map to support the face-to-face and the online that are more higher ordered thinking.
Where do they fall into the upper level Bloom's?
Click on image to view and download
Repeat the Deconstruct activity using YOUR OWN lesson:
Identify the upper level activities within the lesson and place them where they fall on Blooms or DOK- Your choice remove the other option.
Determine which ones could be done online and how
What can be done to improve the lesson