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Day 3:

Focusing on infusing proper assessments in the learning process

How do we use effective formative and summative assessments as well as adaptive learning tools to guide the learning process?

Welcome Back

Today's Learning Goals:

  • I can apply assessments both summative and formative


  • I am able to use the AEA Learning Online's Student Personalized Learning System

  • I know of resources to help create rubrics


  • I am able to ask questions and share with others in the State through the OLLIE community

As you review the learning opportunities from Day 1 and 2, what questions do you have?

Learning Map

Looking at the learning plan example. Where do you see assessments fitting in? 

Click on image to view and download

Weaving Assessments- Blended

Assessments are an important part of learning.  This is where you find out what misconceptions students have, what learning might have been missed and whether or not students are getting it.

Work in your assigned virtual groups ***

Student Personalized Learning System


  • You may also want to sign up for our list server that will share with you newly added content and when the site goes into maintenance, etc

Making Assessments Work Together

In your group talk about:

  • What assessments you have used

  • How they worked and did you get the results you wanted?

  • How can the group help you strengthen your assessment?

Deconstruct Lesson and Apply

 On day 1 you were asked to deconstruct a lesson. Let’s revisit it, look for assessment types and connect them to Bloom's. Are they summative and/or formative?

Group Work

  • Identify the assessments within the lesson and place them where they fall on Blooms or DOK. Are they formative or summative?

  • Determine which ones could be done online and how

  • What can be done to improve the assessment

 Google Drive  |  Word Version   |  Use your printed version if you still have it or we can provide you with another one.

Personalize Learning Network

What do you do if you don't have the knowledge you need on a topic?  You can build a PLN or join a community of similar learners. AEA Learning Online has an Online Learning community called OLLIE for all statewide members who want to learn more, ask questions, and get connected around blended and online learning.  Let’s take a look at it together and get you involved in this statewide community.

You can sign up for this newsletter to receive information from our team on blending and flipping.

Guided Work Time

Think about how you will organize learning around your own learning map.

What will be the essential question to your unit?

  • What makes a good question?

    • Seeks an answer that relates to the human experience.

    • “Big Idea” work


Which unit organizer will you use?

  • Identify the parts of the framework

  • Google Drive

  • Learning Map


What will be the final product that the students create to demonstrate proficiency of Iowa Core Standards?

  • Finding the Human Connection

  • Creating experiences that include these connections.

  • Universal Constructs


How will you summatively assess this final product?

  • Summative Assessment Resources

  • Assessment Tool Resources


What activities will you use to support thinking that takes place in class?

What lower-levels will they need in order to create this product?

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy


What Facilitation strategies will you add to your class?


How will these be put onto an LMS?

  • Make sure that your online space supports or extends the learning that is happening in class.  


How will you formatively assess this work?

  • Assessment Tool Resources

  • Formative Assessment Resources


What Adaptive Learning programs/Personalized Learning resources will students need for support?

  • Assessment Tool Resource List

  • AEA Learning Online Student Personalized Learning System

  • How will you gather and use the data from these?

Need to find resources?  Remember these:

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